
What Type of UVC is suitable in healthcare

UVC is a great tool in healthcare settings. Air, surface and even water treatment using UVC appliances.

There are many types of appliances, and each hospital or clinic needs to try to see which is best suited for them. 

We recommend starting small and use proven methods, such as air handling unit UVC products and small UVC towers, before spending too much money on a light fixture. 

UVC towers are basically a glorified light fixture, no reason for their high cost. I ask everyone, is it more complicated than a top-of-the-line ultrasound machine?? 

Most manufacturers call them robots to justify their high cost. There is nothing robotic about them, you plug it and turn it on. The operator is the robot.

There are a few autonomous robots in the market, they are software driven, programmable units. Have their own limitations. They experience mechanical and software glitches. We have experienced them. 


Rent before you buy. Validate exposure with DoseEZ digital dosimeter specifically for HAI.

HAI cost
How much Dose
Dose per pathogen type
First Buy
UVC Air Disinfecting
Last Option
Great tool but specialized