UVC Products

UVC Products- Science based, field tested solutions.

UVC is the light emitted from UVC bulbs. Simple yet complicated when it comes to combine science and practicality and mix in PROFIT.

At UVC automatic, we offer unbiased, practical, and scientific solutions to disinfecting air, water and surfaces.

Indoor Air Quality Improvement

The best use of UVC technology is in the air sanitization. Most cost effective and easiest to add to any indoor space.

Selection is made by considering the Cost, Technology, & Life span. It is labor free, chemical free, low-cost solution for any indoor space. 24/7/365/ up to 5 years.

ASHRAE 241Improving IAQ,

Helps with Sustainability by lowering energy footprint of buildings. From MERV 13 filters to MERV 8 plus UVC.

New Induction bulbs with 5-year life span are the best choice. 

Excimer FAR can be used in occupied rooms, low energy and effective on viruses, molds and fungi given enough time.

LED UVC is a new technology and hence not field tested yet. Short effective lifespan as this point.

Water and clear liquids

Again, a great tool for many applications that require disinfection of the liquids. Induction bulbs are very durable and powerful.


Distance, angle, time, and power of the bulbs have to be taken into consideration.

Surfaces are not flat and can hide pathogens. So, enough light has to be employed.

Too much dose can cause damage to medical equipment by discoloring or hardening plastic material. That is the reason to use a good dosimeter not to over-expose unnecessarily.

Call us and discuss your project, not all bulbs are manufactured the same. Many UVC manufacturers have left the business. Too many unvalidated claims. Too many broken promises. We stand by what we recommend. We take them back if you cannot utilize them.